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German-Austrian-Swiss Clay Group



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11th International DTTG-Workshop "Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Clays and Clay Minerals" 2025
The 11th workshop will take place from March 10-14 in Krakow/PL. The website with detailed information is online and will be updated regularly. Stay tuned: The number of participants in the workshop is limited and places are booked up very quickly.

11. MECC 2024 in Plzen/CZ
The Homepage of the 11th MECC this year is now online. Deadline for registration and abstract submission is end of June. On the occasion of the MECC, the general meeting of the DTTG with the election of the board will also take place.

The 2024 (12th) biennial Reynolds Cup competition on quantitative mineralogical analysis is open for registration.
The competition is open to anyone interested in quantitative mineral analysis, with particular emphasis on clay mineralogy. Information about the competition including guidelines and previous winners can be found at https://clays.org/reynolds. The competition is free for all to enter, however, those who are not members of the CMS are encouraged (but not obliged) to become members (see https://clays.org/join_benefits_of_membership.html).
A total of ~100 sets of samples will be made available for distribution. Each set will comprise three samples of ~3–4 g of mineral mixtures commonly found in clay-bearing rocks. All sets of samples will be distributed in the order of registration.
The top three contestants with the most accurate results will be announced at the 61st Annual Meeting of the Clay Minerals Society (3.-6. Jun 2024, Hawaii). Only the names of the top three contestants will be published. The names of the others will remain strictly confidential.
Because of the popularity of the Reynolds Cup and the enormous amount of work put into its preparation, potential participants are strongly encouraged to plan ahead and only request samples if they are sure they can complete the analysis and return results to the organizers by the due date. Those who request samples and do not send in results or fail to return the samples unopened WELL BEFORE the due date will not be eligible to participate in future Reynolds Cups. A waiting list will be kept to offer returned samples to other potential participants.
The Reynolds Cup, blind Round Robin is the perfect way (possibly the only way!) to test the ability and accuracy of your methods of quantitative mineralogical analysis, whatever you prefered method or technique, so join the fun and participate.
To register please go to https://www.clays.org/reynolds-cup-2024/ for online registration.

Reynolds Cup 2024 organisers
update: Jul 2nd 2024
Web-Moderator M. Ploetze